Quantitative imaging for better outcomes
Welcome to the website of the Vogel-Claussen Heart and Lung Imaging Lab in the Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology at Hannover Medical School.
The team develops innovative, quantitative imaging markers for improved patient care. We focus on pioneering and maturing innovative techniques and imaging biomarkers for the assessment of lung and cardiovascular function and microstructure to establish novel endpoints in clinical trials. We create fully automated pipelines for the extraction of high-yield imaging biomarkers for large scale trials and clinical translation.
Our vision is to gain new insights into cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases to improve patient outcome.
Prof. Dr. med. Jens Vogel-Claussen


PhD defense
Filip Klimeš, former PhD candidate of Vogel-Claussen Imaging Lab, has successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "3D Dynamic functional lung ventilation magnetic resonance imaging". Focus of his work was on 3D Phase resolved functional lung (PREFUL) MRI to quantify ventilation during free breathing in healthy volunteers and patients with obstructive lung disease.

ISMRM annual meeting 2021
Two abstracts from members of Vogel-Claussen Imaging lab at this year's ISMRM annual meeting were among the highest rated 15% as judged by abstract reviewers. The first Magna Cum Laude Merit Award is bestowed upon the abstract "Registration on different lung volumes and its influence on venlation and perfusion parameters derived by phase-resolved funconal lung MRI" by Klimes et al, the second award for "Pulmonary acinar structure and function assesed by hyperpolaried 129Xe stimulated echo NMR" by Kern et al.
We thank our collaborators at Hannover Medical School (Dept. of Respiratory Medicine, Dept. of Cardiology, Dept. of Cardiac, Thoracic, Transplantation, and Vascular Surgery, Department of Pediatric Pneumology, Allergology and Neonatology, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Department of Pathology), in Hannover (Fraunhofer ITEM, CHERH) in Germany (Gießen University, Heidelberg University, LMU Munich, Mainz University, Regensburg University), Europe (Sheffield University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, AKH Vienna, Amsterdam UMC, University Hospital Zurich) and overseas (Columbia University, Johns Hopkins Medical School, University of Toronto) as well as our funding sources (DZL, BMBF, NIH, IFB-Tx, DFG, REBIRTH, foundations and industry) for successful translational research and continued support.